- This is a fascinating video, looking into online dating profiles and what people say about themselves and what they want.
- Interesting comments on the difference between WordPress and Facebook, even though both allow the user to create a personal space online.
- Thanks Apple. Apple changed the Software Update to make it clearer that you were installing new software.
- How to pitch a new social media firm.
- What should the real goal of web3.0 be. Also why it is so important to consider those of the tech elite circle when you app is released.
- Interesting look at how we as a culture evolve from the age of 4 and 5 to college age with regard to our average views on the afterlife and death.
- Cool, thanks Google.
- Cool research into the neuroscience of fly brains and what possible differences between the genders. I especially like that BBC is now using more video for their articles.
- Can your food choices determine your political preference. This research seems interesting but ultimately a dead end. The variations of why people buy a certain type of food is too different and ultimately too complex to really effectively target people.
- Wow basic biology effects your actions, how odd.
links for 2008-04-19
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