- What is awesome Indy being chased down the street by a giant Lego Boulder.
- “At least 16% of our high school teachers are young earth creationists. “
- Just go and see what a dork does with his time off and be stumped.
- Twitter goes down as often as a cheap whore. – So true.
- Ouch, I hope he is able to make it through this.
- Sounds buzzword compliant to me.
- Makes total sense to me.
- US currency now has be accesible to the blind. Which it does seem really odd that out of the 180 countries printing paper money, only ours doesn’t have a way for blind people to know the difference between denomations.
- One word, yuck.
- Wow Onion you made my evening.
- Ummmmm, okay??????????
links for 2008-05-21
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