- For all those diets I keep starting.
- This is awesome, I totally want to do this at work some day.
- Interesting anylasis of the increase in network traffic while Tiger Woods was playing at the US Open.
- Okay then just remember to get your kids hooked on those cards right away.
- Good job FDA.
- That’s alot of traffic. Couple of points, first file sharing isn’t included as one of the casues of the increase and the bandwidth caps are going to hit even harder pretty soon.
- My issue with this, it’s really not going to do anything. By the time oil companies are drilling in these areas altertanive fuels should be more viable.
- Amazing cancer research.
- Summary “police need a warrant to get your email and text messages if stored for less than 180 days, if your employer pays for use of third party text or email services, (they) can’t get copies of your messages from (the) provider without your permissio
links for 2008-06-19
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