- “The White House has lifted its deficit forecast for 2009 to $482bn (£242bn) up from $407bn.” Wow.
- Are gas prices really to blame for you not taking a vacation?
- New search engine, I especially like the privacy policy.
- Why hasn’t Apple released the patch yet. Seems really odd to me.
- I’m actually against this, I think students should have the oppurtinty to play sports, granted though sports budget shouldn’t overwhelm the rest of the budget.
- Wow really good editoral on why the Internet should not be regulated.
- Justice Dept. investigation says that political views were used to hire non-political appointees.
- How should education change.
- The watchlist doesn’t work, thanks and have a nice day.
- Awesome idea from Kevin Rose for a proximity base power conservation device.
links for 2008-07-29
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