- Wow, that's just an amazing comic, thanks Randall Munroe.
- Lol.
- The final bailout plan.
- Awesome news from SpaceX.
- This makes no sense to me, why are people putting copyright, etc on laws and legal codes?
- This is a bad argument and one that the writer should feel ridiculous for even making. First off you don't define what is enough for anyone, second there are legit uses of every single service you mentioned, third the network management techniques in broad strokes isn't information vital to Comcast's business.
- Why don't I live in Japan again?
- Yep a data standard is a great idea, it would force everybody else to have a data standard as well.
- Oh yes because the Australians have such great internet connections.
- 'We modified the kernel in the system's operating system so that it monitors and tracks the behavior of the programs installed on it … When we see a deviation, we know for sure there's something bad going on," Wow that is cool.
- Some cool things to use your smartphone for.
- An AIR app interacting with a Java app.
- Why do film versions of a novel suck so bad.
- Those French are beating us.
- Wow, is Pakistan actually trying to regain control of this region?
- I can say nothing else except that I agree.
- "The reason I don’t feel any qualms declaring evolution a sound scientific theory and intelligent design as not even junk science is because I am a professional organismal biologist, and pretty much everyone who accepts ID is not. By comparison, imagine how foolishlyou would feel if a thousand car mechanics tell you that you need to change the carburetor in your car and you keep insisting that they don’t know what they are talking about, elitist auto-experts that they are, because carburetors obviously don’t exist!" I couldn't agree more.
- Yeah, Google Earth really isn't censored much.
- Some things that Android does right.
- Wheee, maybe net radio will live another day.
- Looks like we have a deal on the bailout.
- Some side by side action with an iPhone.
- I'm slowly coming around on this bailout.
- To change Congress/Politics we need to change how money influences politics.
- Science and TV cohabiting.
- This is an awesome idea, go and read it.
- Are you celebrating Banned Books Week.
links for 2008-09-29
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