- Maybe this one will go all the way through.
- WTF, more stupid copyright.
- Sweet!!!
- How to market science.
- This is such a stupid and wrong article it's not even funny. Even it's sub-headings are just wrong.
- Apple won't shut down iTunes, they'll just fight to get the rates where they want them.
- Yeah, seriously first terroism means just about anything now hand grenades are WMD's, this is stupid. Hand grenades dangerous, yes, deadly yeah, but a WMD not by far.
- Really, really?
- Yeah right.
- Oops.
- This looks interesting. I must admit to doing the majority of my work in the cloud so to speak.
- Google reminds us to vote.
- Finally Apple releases the NDA on the iPhone SDK.
links for 2008-10-02
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