- Those desk jobs are going to kill us.
- Another great blog post by danah boyd on why teens aren't all that interested in the classic school dance as it is envisioned.
- Ok, so the bailout bill passed, now how does it get managed.
- Florida leaning more and more to an Obama win.
- "Worldwide emissions of heat-trapping carbon dioxide from fuel burning and cement production increased by 3.5 percent per year from 2000 to 2007, nearly four times the growth rate in the 1990s, according to a new report."
- Cool little bit of cancer research.
- Good move Obama, Palin shouldn't be bringing this up it's unfair and it's not true.
- Indeed, is America ready for a smart president?
- Palin should resign or McCain should force her to, especially if he really believes in non-partsian politics. This is so stupid it isn't even funny.
- Yes, they were radicals and yes they were US born and based terrorists in their own right, Obama's link serving on the same charity board as one (who is now a lecturer). Wow Obama associates with terrorists so much.
- The VP should not and never should have as much power as Cheney has tried to extract from the office. The clock needs to be rolled back to the VP being an assistant and legislative point person.
links for 2008-10-06
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