- I'm not so sure C# should be moving towards a dynamic type, just doesn't fit in with C#. Why not one of the other .NET languages.
- Yep, social networks can help build out a network that is useful for work.
- Indeed where is my video jukebox?
- "If we can't keep contraband out of prisons, how can we possibly hope to keep it out of airports?" Yes.
- Makes a lot of sense.
- That's a pretty fair ruling considering if you know the md5 hash value of a file, and you have the exact same file you can pretty well assure that the original file and your file is the same. So it's a search, in a very roundabout way.
- Interesting the appeals court have grown more powerful as the Supreme Court has heard less cases and is now vastly more conservative.
- "With out-of-district fundraising at a staggering 80%, the problem is not with a few individual House members. This report provides evidence that our campaign finance system is broken," said Daniel Newman, MAPLight.org's co-founder and executive director. "To win an election, a House candidate has to raise an average of $1.3 million in campaign funds–that's $2,500 every working day for an entire two year term. With such a herculean fundraising effort required, what time and attention do Representatives have left to address the interests of the voters they represent?" – Couldn't put it better myself.
- Yeah, North Korea threatened South Korea, can we go back to normal politics rather than the election.
- That's pretty crappy of the McCain campaign.
- Iraq says that it does not want to be used as a launch pad for US launched missions outside of Iraq. Iraq is getting a backbone more and more.
- Agreed.
- Apparently the nightly trunk of FF 3.1 is crazy fast, I'm on the Beta2 of FF 3.1 and loving it.
- Great new advertising model, hopefully they won't be included in videos that you pay for.
- Nice idea of where JavaScript libraries could go.
- It looks pretty nice, especially the task bar.
- McCain pushes Sen. Stevens to resign, makes sense that he would since he's fighting corruption.
- Gun shows do not lead to an increase in firearms-related deaths.
- $31.11 cheaper than at T-Mobile.
- Google Book Search lives, and hopefully orphan works problem might be helped somewhat.
- Microsoft Office goes online.
- "Tripoli is a generic CSS standard for HTML rendering. By resetting and rebuilding browser standards, Tripoli forms a stable, cross-browser rendering foundation for your web projects.
Tripoli completly resets all default browser standards and rebuilds them quietly with modern web development in mind.
Tripoli is not a CSS framework. It doesn't tell you how to code your web site. Instead, it forms a solid HTML rendering engine and a base for creating dynamic layouts without interfering with typographic measurements." Amazing yes.
- Wow, the first big paper goes online only, hello bright new world of media.
- WordPress releases a whole big study into usability, so awesome.
- Finally music videos on MTV.
links for 2008-10-29
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