- They are going to elect a Senator who can't vote, that's funny.
- Here is what happens when we don't have a verifiable record of voting.
- Do I also get the BSOD on my coffee machine.
- Google supports OpenID yet it doesn't.
- Hehe.
- Down from 5.2% in Sept 2007.
- New hash function written with the help of Schneier for the NIST contest to replace SHA.
- Scalzi on why writers need an agent.
- Looks like we have a bit of stalemate, Iraq wants conditions that Bush doesn't want to agree to.
- The bailout on Main Street starts.
- It could happen.
- Japan did it, could we?
- Good news for iPhone users.
- $100bn to help emerging markets to deal with the credit crisis.
links for 2008-10-30
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