- “I would expect that next year, people will share twice as much information as they share this year, and next year, they will be sharing twice as much as they did the year before,”
- "I just think that we need to fight it on cultural grounds, not on legal grounds." One of the more thoughtful pieces on prop 8, gay marriage, abortion and other cultural divisions.
- While public university pay is behind private, public universities are raising their pay faster.
- Adobe tries to clean up it's whole Air/Flex plan of attack.
- Makes sense for China to want an aircraft carrier.
- The Joel Test – rate your company.
- Easy ways to reduce bandwidth.
- Can the foreign auto-makers put enough into American factories to make up for the loss of the Big Three American car companies.
- If you are a global economy, like we are, problems take global solutions.
- Our economic safety net has been reduced since the last major recession 1981-82.
- Good move by Mac Developers to open up the Mac bug reporting system, since Apple doesn't want to.
- The new New Deal needs to be an investment in information infrastructure.
- "No, it’s not fair. But fairness is not on the menu anymore. We will deal with that later. Right now we need to throw everything we can at this problem to make sure this recession doesn’t spiral down into a depression. This is no time for half-measures."
- Wil Wheaton helps you write.
- "Final thoughts before bed: "Yes we can" is a much better motto for my country than "Be afraid." Hope > Fear. Unity > Division. G'night. " I must agree
- I agree, Congress don't bail out the auto industry.
- What's he going to do?
- What happened to colleges being a place of debate?
- "What anyone does in bed as a married couple is no one's business but their own. The churches may have lost their way, but love, gay marriage – and hot gay sex – will prevail. So, I know the queers are keeping their registries. They'd just like certain straight people to stop obsessing about their sex lives and let them get married already. "
- Iraq votes for US troops to leave the streets of Iraq in 2009 and leave Iraq completely in 2011.
- Thank goodness.
- Good that he was caught, bad that he can't have any video recording capable device outside of his home for a year. That last bit seems a bit harsh.
- You have to be able to allow security research because if it's illegal only the criminals will do the research.
- This is stupid, first Toyota doesn't own the copyright on the images, next if you are going to file DMCA notices, file proper ones, you can't charge the people you are filing DMCA notices against, so that you can do proper legal work.
- Hi Kim Jong-il.
- So is the Obama telecom transition team really pro-consumer?
- I really want to hear Apple's side of the story as to what happened before I pass judgment, but if Apple gave Google the green light then pulled it, that's pretty dumb.
- Google should let local companies have some control over their business pages beyond verifying information is correct. Let them add stuff and make the domain theirs and add links to buy, shop, etc. Great idea.
links for 2008-11-17
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