- Wow these are just beautiful.
- Ajax based IM.
- How do you know we aren't socialist, companies aren't required to inform the government if they want to lay off more than 40 people.
- Working to get accurate science in the entrainment industry, a great program Science and Entertainment Exchange.
- Sums it up in one sentence "I guess what I'm trying to say is this: if you want my vote, stop treating me like a moron."
- Good suggestions on moving Flash closer towards the Open Web camp and away from the Silverlight/IE only camp.
- Think in different manners to improve the design.
- Very cool way to simplify an interface using CSS hover.
- This is so cool. Scientist have been able to piece together mammoth's genome from samples in Russia's permafrost, Jurassic Park style.
- Really smart idea, training hair stylists to recognize signs of abuse and what to do about it.
- More and more evidence coming out that torture wasn't just overlooked but practically promoted by the Bush administration.
- Al Qaeda once again shows why it's a crazy and illogical organization.
- EFF recommendations over the warrantless spying program.
- Jessica Valenti on the feminist comedians riding high after the US election | Culture | The GuardianFeminist really are funny, the same as anyone else.
- Tom Daschle next Secretary of Health and Human Services, what does it mean for reproductive rights?
- A good design doesn't just have to be pretty it has to be useful and have staying power, Drudge Report does.
- Write C/C++ code for you flash apps for intensive data applications.
- Some very cool images from the Life archive of astronomy during WWII.
- Yeah for DRM free music.
- Yet another reason to buy an iPhone.
- This is some tricky logic the got going on.
- Good for Iceland they are going to need it.
- Head to wall.
- Umm okay then, apparently Cheney blocked investigations into private prisons that he held shares of.
- Wow, this is crazy impressive.
- Wil Wheaton and John Scalzi go head to headn and it turns out to be awesome.
- California Supreme Court to review Prop 8.
- Bye, bye Yahoo. This company is going to be bought out in pieces. Search to Microsoft, some to AOL, some to Google and the rest just scattered.
- "At the close, the Dow Jones average was down 427 points to close at 7,997.28, below the 8,000-level for the first time since 2003." I'm buying as many stocks as I can.
- A fair argument for why NASA shouldn't lose funding at this time.
- Umm oops? Can we just have a do-over?
- Typing is one of the basics skills a programmer must have.
- Oh my gosh Sarah Haskins, you are ridiculously funny.
- Legislation will wind up being required to regulate to the web to become more accessible.
links for 2008-11-20
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