- The question is how much information do you really need when someone comments?
- Lol, awesome quote: “People who spend their lives pounding nails in Nevada need something else to do.”
- Sex or the internet which is it?
- Can you balance both religion and feminism? I would say you can, the same as you can balance religion and a host of other things.
- Microsoft's open source group has done a lot of work with PHP this year.
- I've got to agree with the part about getting gifts that aren't what I want or useful.
- Makes sense, unfortunate but it exists.
- Stupid Warner music.
- The cost of extracting gas is rising and ending an era of cheap gas.
- Go figure the newspapers are dead and the Internet is the wave of the future.
- The interesting part of this story is that when there are anti-LGBT initiatives the police see spikes in both the umber and severity of hate crimes.
- Awesome holiday card.
- Looks like Amazon had a good year.
- 10 easy to implement tips to improve the search engine optimization of your website.
- CIA is handing out Viagra to get warlords on our side.
- A language designed exactly for cryptography, used by the NSA is released to the public.
- WalMart will be selling the iPhone on Dec. 28th.
- These people are pretty bad.
links for 2008-12-27
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