- "Natural selection is not magic; there are no miracles, no unexplained steps in the process, and once you grasp it, it's simple and obvious. The real funny part, though, is that O'Leary is an intelligent design advocate and ardent Catholic. She does believe in magic!" Agreed how is id or religion any more magic that science?
- How are service animals only dogs?
- Just what it says.
- "People often ask, “If there is no afterlife, what is the purpose of this life?” — But wouldn’t it make more sense to ask, “If there is an afterlife, what is the purpose of this life?” " Indeed.
- Twitter really does fail as a tool for conversations.
- Just in cause you know you know you might have thought it worked.
- Robot evolve.
- Really Christians are a second class citizen, how?
- No duh.
- I fear this has become me at times.
- I love how the Vatican is publishing a report that birth control pill ruins the environment with no evidence to back it up, yeah for logic being destroyed.
- New credit score that will be more sensitive to how much available credit you are using.
- That's nice.
- Why???
- Rate anything that you want to.
- What does Homeland Security store on travelers.
- Go figure.
- Oh I won't miss the Bushes.
- All music on iTunes will be DRM free by the end of the quarter.
- Recovery is supposed to not start until 2010.
- Can you say more in less?
- Yeah not impressed with the iWork update. Why can't Apple get an Apple branded version of Google Docs?
- "I shall write you daily"
links for 2009-01-07
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