- Just what the doctor ordered.
- Another JS validation plugin.
- XAMPP for windows.
- That's just freaking awesome and cool all at once.
- Thank goodness, Texas has backed off from language that would have defined science to list that when it doesn't have explanations to look towards supernatural explanations.
- "In a radical departure from years of legal precedent, Attorney General Michael Mukasey has ended the practice of allowing immigrants to reopen immigration cases that they lost because of their lawyers' mistakes or incompetence." Why??
- What should you do financially as a new parent.
- Neat little technique.
- What are some CSS3 features you can use today.
- Another flash player for your website.
- So what do you think?
- The broken windows theory proven with some research.
- How do Mobile Platforms render email.
- I'm totally donating my whole body to science.
- Why would I want this, is Lexus that desperate for money.
- "Al-Qaeda's operations chief in Pakistan and another top aide are believed to have been killed, US sources say."
- Long story short, need to be able to run Vista and have 16gigs of free hard drive.
- Firebug is such a great tool.
- I love how easy it is going to be to develop, CSS, HTML and XML and that's it.
- New DNC Chairman.
- And the review of the Palm Pre.
- This thing looks beautiful. I totally want one.
- "Rules forcing internet companies to keep details of every e-mail sent in the UK are a waste of money and an attack on civil liberties, critics say." No duh, stupid companies datamining that much random information will get you nothing.
- "Biometrics are unique identifiers, but they're not secrets. Biometrics are easy, convenient, and when used properly, very secure; they're just not a panacea. Understanding how they work and fail is critical to understanding when they improve security and when they don't."
- New line of SD cards to start at 64GB and go up to 2TB and 300Mbps transfer rate, awesome.
- Just a basic tip to remember.
- "We can’t prove God exists or doesn’t exist. But the evidence points to him not existing. Even Richard Dawkins titled a chapter in The God Delusion, “Why There Almost Certainly Is No God.” If the other religions’ ads were as honest, they’d attach qualifiers, too (”We’re pretty damn sure God exists” or something like that)" Yep.
- Feedburner is about 30 minutes behind the feed itself, sounds about what I've seen.
- That's a smart idea.
- No, no come on, 6 weeks away just keep moving forward.
- Well duh.
- Look up all the photos from the Oakland riots last night.
- Spend the money on R&D lots and lots of money.
- Solve problems early on, especially security bugs before they come back to haunt you.
- Another take on building a better conference badge.
- You can build it better.
- What is the best way to display a huge table (vertically and horizontally)?
links for 2009-01-09
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