- 10 pretty simple tips to improve your web site's speed.
- What to do about mobile devices.
- From the article: In a rare public ruling, a secret federal appeals court has said telecommunications companies must cooperate with the government to intercept international phone calls and e-mail of American citizens suspected of being spies or terrorists." However it says that they must cooperate, not that it is legal.
- New rules on integration.
- Neat way to develop print-this links that actually work.
- Imagine that once we stop from calling people "the axis of evil" they are actually willing to work with us to solve problems.
- How important is religion to each of the states in the US.
- Great little bit of code to turn lists into fully working trees, with CSS and jQuery.
- This is crazy, first that Nokia is wanting a law to allow them to follow employee's email and second that Nokia is using it's industrial power to push the law through.
- Two percent failure rate, no problem. I'm sure there are never any elections where 2% of the voting population could effect the outcome.
- 1.83 million years old in Malaysia.
- This is a bad idea, for one it also prevents legal and good uses of the technology. Perfect case, hostage scenario, now a hostage can't phone the outside and tell the good guys what's going on.
- States are not able to provide for the vast number of enemployed people inside their borders.
- To sum it up: "And in return for what is likely to be a huge subsidy to stockholders, taxpayers will get, well, nothing."
- Secure your data.
- I do realize tagging myself is kinda stupid, but I'm making an exception, for this one. I write about why I think web applications are where business across the board will be moving.
- ABC finished selling their ad space yesterday, wow.
- I really don't agree with this point of view, but it's still a good read to see why some people dislike web-apps.
- Just what it says.
- Really enjoyed this rant on print comics and how web comics are able to make money and survive vs. print comics.
- The average customer: "are spending $400 less each month than they were a year ago, have burned through half of their savings, and on average have taken on an additional $5k in debt."
- His opinion.
- China could possibly stop buying our debt.
- Great news for open source software.
- Turn your email campaign into a permission campaign.
- Rousing endorsement of Ruby on Rails over PHP.
links for 2009-02-02
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