- I love how athletes get away with crap.
- Why the heck do we need religious leaders advising the White House, especially on: "on how to distribute federal dollars, and also advise on a range of other issues such as AIDS and women’s reproductive health care."
- From the article: "Over the last three decades, Congress has demanded stricter efficiency standards on 30 categories of products, as varied as residential air-conditioners and industrial boilers. But successive administrations have failed to write regulations to enforce the laws, even when ordered to by the courts."
- This is a stupid Attorney General, doesn't he need to have logic to be a lawyer?
- I enjoy the fact that the one parent talks about not being able to get into R movies without a parent, seriously where do you live?
- Shortened version, having kids after 40 as a dad is like having kids after 35, possible but not recommended.
- You know kids these days never cuss.
- Is this thing ever going to finish.
- Here is a reasonable argument for not having pay caps.
- Very cool, defiantly going to use this at some point.
- CIA nominee has described waterboarding as torture but says that the agents who might have carried it out in the past should not be prosecuted.
- Some of the background on Google's newest buttons.
- "The judge in charge of the Guantanamo Bay hearings has ordered an end to the last trial there, the Pentagon says."
- What's NSFW, Sven getting it on.
- That seems really suspicious two riots in two months complaining about medical care at the prison.
- That's pretty neat.
- Very awesome photo set of Slipknot.
- That's cool, though it's only about 3.3333% of photos.
- "Just ask Richard Mullens, who has not said he is an atheist, but was suspected of being one…and lost his job as a teacher for that reason." Wow, that's stupid how does being an atheist mean you can't teach?
- What's the state of artificial intelligence today.
- Sweet.
- "The Senate on Wednesday voted to expand the economic stimulus package with a tax credit for homebuyers of up to $15,000, a provision championed by Republicans as addressing a root cause of the recession." Really the root cause of the recession is that homebuyers were paying too much in taxes??
- "But senators approved an amendment requiring that provisions in the bill comply with international trade agreements with Canada and the EU. " Good move by the Senate, that would have surely brought the US trouble in the international trade area.
- Took months and they got $3.2m, what a deal.
- Never caught the YouTube Video.
- Pretty smart idea.
- Just when I was thinking I was safe from pop-ups.
- That's pretty funny.
- This is actually really cool, though I'm not to sure about the privacy implications and the security concerns.
- Did Aribert Heim actually die in 1992?
- Issues with ads being run by Democrats against Republicans.
- Stupid Charter, that's a great plan.
- Neat mobile version of Google Books.
- Pretty funny quiz.
- Looks like the art world could be suffering from this recession.
- Solve the problem better or solve a different problem.
- What makes Apple, Apple?
- And he plays piano, guitar, drums, saxophone and an oboe in real life.
- From the article: "Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg underwent surgery at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York on Thursday for what was apparently early-stage pancreatic cancer, according to a statement released by the Supreme Court. "
- Take a guess which is faster, hint Microsoft's money hasn't built a class A OS.
- Wow, that's a surprise especially given that his sponsors are still backing him.
- No options, no planet destroying laser, not much else, essentially just the steel to build a skeletal frame.
- Very cool set of images that put consumption into perspective.
- More information about the delay.
- Should the H! be the Logo or the Title of the of page, debate away on twitter.
- "Computers are to design as microwaves are to cooking." Indeed.
links for 2009-02-06
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