- Good job US, knew we could count on you.
- You know who could be bothered with voting on a practically trillion dollar stimulus package.
- At what point are you going from trying to proving a point to just making stuff up.
- "The top US intelligence official, Dennis Blair, has said that the global economic crisis is the main security concern facing America." Glad you are here to tell us these things.
- What would a real web designed editor be like?
- Eliminate duplicate content withing Google, Yahoo, and MSN Live for all those pages that are the same thing just different urls.
- “Americans should not lose their free speech rights simply because it’s now easier for foreign audiences to access materials published in the U.S.,” said Michael Macleod-Ball, ACLU Chief Legislative and Policy Counsel. “Freedom of expression is a cornerstone of American democracy and while that right may stop at our shores, the restrictions that exist in foreign lands should not be allowed to chill the speech rights of Americans at home.” What he said.
- From the article: "Given the ubiquity of digital technologies and the use of RAM in most if not all of those technologies, the potential reach of the district court's order is breathtaking."
- Looks like a real solution to sharding your databases.
- Pretty decent article.
- I just can't believe this story. A student had previously been kicked out for accusations of rape, and sexual harassment was let back in to play football and what do you know he raped a girl.
- "We should not actively block IE 6 users or completely disregard what happens when an IE 6 user comes along. What we should do is spend less and less time working around IE 6 bugs unless they seriously affect functionality or accessibility – only fix the showstoppers." Die IE, just die, especially you IE6 someone should just kill you and put us web developers out of misery.
- The Authors Guild is pretty to stupid to try and sue over the Kindle's text to speech ability, any court should throw this out.
- Ahh yes instead of letting people take Plan B we'll force them to go somewhere else or have an abortion or have the baby and give it up for adoption, Great plan Arizona.
- How bad is it? Previously free clinics need to charge to cover costs.
- Money quote: "Campfield is clearly not treating all fetuses alike. In one case, he issues a recognizing government document down to the lowest limits of potential, but uncertain, viability outside the womb. In the other, he issues the document all the way back to conception. The difference must be in the ideology, because it’s not in the biology."
- "A long-term truce between the Palestinian militant group Hamas and Israel may be announced within days, Hamas officials said in Cairo. Border crossings would reportedly be re-opened and a ceasefire would be called for 18 months under the Egyptian-brokered deal. " Good news, thanks Egypt for doing what we should have done.
- Really, Starbucks, really, I realize it's a large market but do you want to associate your brand with instant coffee. If you do it better be some darn good instant coffee.
- That's some cheap oil.
- I'm actually somewhat impressed with Microsoft.
- Really MS, why?
- "Two US judges charged with taking more than $2m (£1.4m) in kickbacks from a privately-run detention centre have pleaded guilty to fraud." How crazy is this.
- By bye Charter.
- Google gives up on radio ads.
- I like this idea, you get more story, people are more likely to watch a show all the way through since not enough time to switch stations.
- I have to agree the more and more I think about, the more and more I just want these companies to declare bankruptcy and be done with it.
links for 2009-02-13
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