- For any writer looking to create a digital record of everything that they write, this looks really cool.
- "simplyScroll is a jQuery plugin that can animate (scroll) a set of elements either automatically or manually, horizontally or vertically. It can also accept dynamic image input via a Flickr feed (note not API) or a local JSON source. This plugin can be performance intensive, so speed and framerate are fully configureable to accomodate lower spec systems."
- We need to talk with Syria.
- If the decision to place limits on the salaries when will (if they even do leave) they start leaving.
- Links hard to click, long forms, and requiring registration for anything.
- Next large mission is to Jupiter's moon Europa.
- "Crime laboratories around the country are grossly underfunded, lack a scientific foundation and are compromised by critical delays in analyzing physical evidence, according to a broad study of forensic techniques published Wednesday by the National Academy of Sciences, the nation’s premier scientific body." Not a happy finding.
- What should you do before your website goes live.
- "Israel's security cabinet has decided there will be no truce in Gaza until an Israeli soldier captured in 2006 is freed, Israel's interior minister says." Totally understand Israel's position.
- If I had a choice between going insane or knitting, I think I would chose insanity.
- "Sweden has agreed to give asylum to a Chinese Muslim man who was held at Guantanamo Bay for almost five years." Great news, happy for this guy.
- This seems odd: "The appeals court said that only the executive branch, not the judiciary, could make decisions on immigration", doesn't there exist a special branch of the judicial system designed to deal with immigration?
- Theoretically we even know the buildings he is most likely using.
- I'm not so sure which way I fall on this issue.
- "The environmental agency is under order from the Supreme Court to make a determination whether carbon dioxide is a pollutant that endangers public health and welfare, an order that the Bush administration essentially ignored despite near-unanimous belief among agency experts that research points inexorably to such a finding." About time.
- This seems crazy, what the heck happened in Egypt?
- "The US has urged its Nato allies to increase their troop levels in Afghanistan to fight the Taleban."
- "The Law Lords have ruled that radical cleric Abu Qatada can be deported from the UK to Jordan where he faces jail for terrorism." Alleged to be Osama's right-hand man in Europe.
- The third day of this spectrial.
- "I applaud the adults involved for their discretion and temperance in this heinous case of texting without permission. " Seriously, don't you have something better to be doing.
- Cool.
- Wow. "A jury ordered Philip Morris to pay $8 million in damages to the widow of a smoker who died of lung cancer in a case that could set a standard for roughly 8,000 similar lawsuits in Florida."
- This looks really, really really nice.
- This really bites. "103 out of 173 co-op students will be laid off between now and June. 28 will be graduating in 2009 and will be allowed to finish; 42 students from critical skill areas will be retained."
- And Hulu pulls out of tv.com.
- And what Hulu has to say.
- Hulu will no longer be on Boxee.
- Get your pi on.
- Sweden won't clean up GM's problem, good for Sweden.
links for 2009-02-19
2 responses to “links for 2009-02-19”
[…] | Political Junky Reisefotografen aufgepasst: Personenfotografie ist nicht überall legal | m.. links for 2009-02-19 | Yostivanich.com Beheading in Buffalo « No Compromise When it Comes to Being Right! Islamic subversion alleged […]
[…] links for 2009-02-19 | Yostivanich.com […]
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