- Really cool video, really informative.
- I wouldn't normally say this but, Glen Beck you are a real class act and I mean that in the worst possible way. I'll probably live to regret putting that online but you know what, he really bothers me.
- No one has ever claimed the world is going to end because of global warming, just make it really hard for humans to live on it.
- "Various surveys confirm that the rate of conversion of service/ product-enquirers into loyal customers is almost triple the conversion rate achieved by email support, according to the professional live chat agents of livechatagent.com " Certainly makes sense.
- Neat Skype on iPhone, iPod Touch and BlackBerrys.
- "In the last couple of years, the television industry has made a big push onto the Web, giving viewers hope that they might one day reach nirvana: every show ever made, available online for immediate free viewing. But many in the industry are now questioning whether free is a sustainable model. And some are trying to make sure people have a reason to keep paying hefty cable bills." Do that and I'm back to stealing your programs.
- "Google's Python engineers have launched a new project called Unladen Swallow that seeks to improve the performance of the Python programming language. One of the project's goals is to replace the Python virtual machine with an LLVM-based JIT." Wow, that would be cool.
- "Russian President Dmitry Medvedev says life in Chechnya is returning to normal and it might be time to end the security restrictions imposed there." After 10 years Chechnya might be an actual place to live.
- This is one driven and smart man.
- "Prime Minister Gordon Brown has been accused by a think tank of failing to harness his economic stimulus for the benefit of the environment." Be nice to hear that sort of complaint gain traction in the US.
- "Most food manufacturers and distributors cannot identify the suppliers or recipients of their products despite federal rules that require them to do so, federal health investigators have found." Umm that's not good.
- I think the point at which schools need to pay for supplies with advertising we need some money in this school district.
- "Habitat destruction, pollution and other problems have left nearly a third of the nation’s 800 bird species endangered, threatened or in serious decline" Umm, not so good.
- "In recent days three top American generals have turned their guns on Pakistan, accusing elements of its main intelligence agency, the ISI, of supporting Taliban and al-Qaeda militants. " Very public comments by some of America's top military.
- "Defense Secretary Robert Gates says that he thinks economic penalties rather than diplomacy are more likely to bring success to U.S. efforts on Iran."
- "Afghanistan's Supreme Court has ruled President Hamid Karzai may stay in office until a new leader is elected later this year." Even though if Afghanistan was to follow their constitution he would be out on May 21.
- Get you p2p on in Facebook.
- "Summary: NBC's David Gregory falsely equated March 13 comments by President Obama with Sen. John McCain's September 2008 comment that the "fundamentals of our economy are strong." In fact, Obama did not comment on the broad "fundamentals" of the economy in his March 13 remarks" Really how hard is it to remember who said that phrase?
- Taking on Apache re-writes.
- "The chairman and chief executive of General Motors, Rick Wagoner, is resigning, just hours before President Obama was expected to unveil his rescue plans for G.M. and the ailing American auto industry, a person close to the decision said Sunday." Bye, bye.
- "Summary: In a Los Angeles Times op-ed, Andrew Klavan claimed he's "never heard" Rush Limbaugh "utter a single racist, hateful or stupid word," and offered a "[c]hallenge" to "liberals" to "[l]isten to the show … and keep an open mind." However, Media Matters listens to Limbaugh everyday and has documented numerous examples of him spewing offensive commentary and basic misstatements of fact." So still think that do you Klavan?
- "The Huffington Post said Sunday that it will bankroll a group of investigative journalists, directing them at first to look at stories about the nation's economy." Blogging just broke out into investigative journalism.
- Sometimes a layoff can get you working on your own business.
- "This is the most striking picture I’ve come up with. It shows discount rates in the US, Britain, and Germany in the late 20s and early 30s, and highlights the way attempts to defend the gold standard led to perverse monetary policies at what was arguably a crucial moment."
- "US President Barack Obama has said he will consult Pakistan's leaders before targeting militants in that country. But Mr Obama ruled out deploying US ground troops inside Pakistan." That's a policy shift.
- "In other words, if this works out, it’ll be an incredible medical breakthrough. But that’s what medical science does: it keeps moving along, doing the needed research, finding the way medical problems actually occur, and then seeking out solutions. it doesn’t always work, but it learns from its mistakes. And the next thing you know, smallpox is gone. Polio is gone. Ignore it, or worse, fight it, and measles crops back up and starts killing kids." Wow, that's just amazing.
- "US Defence Secretary Robert Gates says North Korea is likely to launch a rocket soon, and Washington would not attempt to stop it." Makes sense.
- Have I mentioned how cool this site is?
links for 2009-03-30
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