Secret Santa Project

It’s the holiday season and that means you are buying a lot of gifts and probably along the way doing at least one gift exchange. Probably the most well known of these (at least here in the US) is Secret Santa.

My family does Secret Santa amongst ourselves and this year I decided to modernize it by writing a simple php script that would shuffle the names and emails and send an email to each person telling them who they had.

It all worked really well except for the emailing part, they kept going into the spam folder. So that was a bust.

Last night however I had some free time and I took that script and updated it into a quite nice and simple web app (and no longer do emails go into the spam folder).

You can try the code out at or download the whole package here.

Included in this package is unmodified versions of Blueprint CSS Framework and PHPMailer. The rest of code there is all mine and is under a href=””>MIT License, essentially do whatever you want with my code.

I’ll work on a a couple of tutorials to walk though what I what did over the next few posts, till then have fun.






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