gdgt – Will the Mac App Store have enough to sell?

Granted, we’ve yet to see what Apple is actually going to reject from the store, and it’s not like the Mac App Store will prevent developers from building the software they want to build and distributing it independently (or so we all hope). Apple is also free to relax these rules in the future, just as they did for the iPhone App Store. But for the moment, I’m ambivalent about the whole thing, as I’m sure are a lot of developers. Having a built-in distribution platform for developers will certainly be a plus, but combined with the general migration of apps to the browser means that a Mac App Store it isn’t the obvious slam dunk it was for mobile.

via gdgt – Will the Mac App Store have enough to sell?. I’m also very ambivalent about the whole thing. I don’t feel like I have a hard time finding applications that I need. The ease of installing new applications is defiantly a nice improvement but until all applications (whether in the Mac App Store or not) gain that ability I doubt I’ll be using it much. Also the whole bit of not being able to download beta or trial versions of an application is pretty awful. I hate having to spend money on iPhone apps essentially blind, why would I do that for more expensive applications?



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