Reason Magazine – Faking the Pledge

In the "Pledge to America" they unveiled last week, House Republicans promise they will "launch a sustained effort to stem the relentless growth in government that has occurred over the past decade." Who better for the job than the folks who ran the government for most of that time?

If the GOP’s record of fiscal fecklessness were not enough reason to doubt its newfound commitment to curbing "Washington’s irresponsible spending habits," the pledge’s failure to address entitlement and defense programs would be. The Republicans say they want to "have a responsible, fact-based conversation with the American people about the scale of the fiscal challenges we face and the urgent action that is required to deal with them." That’s hard to do when only a small share of the $3.8 trillion budget is open for discussion, and then only in the vaguest terms.

via Reason Magazine – Faking the Pledge. When even Reason Magazine is calling you out something is wrong.






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