I gave a talk on Tuesday at the Las Vegas PHP Meetup Group titled Unit Testing Inertia.
The basis of the talk was getting over the inertia in writing tests in either a pre-existing application or just getting started writing unit tests in general. It went over very well with a good question and answer session afterwards. While I didn’t spend as much time prepping for this talk, I was comfortable enough with the material (and helped there was no code involved) that it was a solid presentation.
The short summary of the talk is for every new method/bug-fix/feature written, write a test for something else at the same time, and start with the stuff that is easier to test.
I’ve been going through a few different pieces of software for writing and displaying my presentations and this is the first time I’ve been really happy with the tool-chain. I used Deckset, which is a Markdown based presentation system with some great looking styles.
Humorous aside, my spelling is atrocious and even though I had to type out “inertia” dozens of times I misspelled it every time and even just now writing this up, I misspelled it every time.