Category: Communication
whatwg – Requests for new elements for comments
Want to do comments on your new spiffy HTML5 site, use an article element inside your main article element. – Fantastical and language detection
That is practically the definition of great software, causing your users delight in the everyday workings.
O’Reilly Radar – The President’s challenge
The idea that we’ll be able to go back in time and make it harder for people to get digital information/media/anything is just wrong.
Gigantt Blog – The GitHub Job Interview
This sounds like a really solid way to do a job interview. – Subscribing to The New York Times
Media companies respect their customers or maybe not.
The Year of C.E.O. Failures Explained –
However, business schools seem to create an environment that rewards not making happy customers, not doing the ethical thing, not doing the thing that protects the environment down the road.
Adblock Plus – Allowing acceptable ads in Adblock Plus
I’m all onboard with this, in fact I’ve even written my own Adblock Plus filter to enable ads that I want to see.