Category: Communication

  • What About the Open Web?

    Facebook: FarmVille is bigger than Twitter, beyond insane when I think about it. To prove the popularity of these extra-curricular sections of Facebook, Johnson explained: “Applications make up a huge part of Facebook. There are over 90,000 applications on Facebook. “69 million active users are using FarmVille alone, that’s more users than Twitter.” Interestingly, Facebook […]

  • Quite Literally the Only Icon List You Need

    This may quite literally be the only icon list you need. A few of my favorites: Color Stroked – a very nice set of hand drawn icons, especially for using for social media links and even better free for commercial use. 2experts – nice and dark icons, good to use for a dashboard and again […]

  • Updates to Netflix for Books

    As an update on my idea for a Netflix type system for books. I realized while discussing the idea with family members over the weekend that there is one important change that probably needs to be made. To make this idea a viable business you would almost have to only allow for e-books. While you […]

  • Netflix for Books

    The tweet that spawned this post Netflix in case you haven’t heard of it is system whereby you give them money and they send you movies by mail that you can keep for as long as you want. No late fees, no extra charges on your account. Mail back the movie in their pre-paid envelope […]

  • What Should A New WordPress Blogger Do?

    This question is sparked within me for two reasons, two new bloggers entered the world. One, the company that I work for has a blog that is relatively new (, and my g/f is working on launching a blog. Find a really good domain name and keep it. If you don’t have a domain name […]

  • 100,000th Knol Published and No One Cares But Google

    Knol is a ridiculous scheme by Google to create a Wikipedia onto it’s own, except one that’s worse. Knol takes the idea that there is actually a single person out there who is an expert on a field and uses them to write an article on it, and through everybody else going, “Hey, great Knol” […]

  • Anonymous Comments and Comments with Meaningless Names are the Same Thing

    I recently had a friend recommend an artist (who is someone that they personally know). No problem, that’s the whole point of friends, doing stuff and letting other people know about it. However going to the CDBaby site of the artist, and taking a look at the reviews of the music I get this: Even […]

  • Facebook and Twitter: Different and Both Useful

    Which do you care about more simply getting a stream of conciusicous thoughts from people or a stream of tons of different aspects on that person and lots of information to put it into context. That’s the dilemma facing people signing up for social networks. Each specializes in an area that makes it useful to […]

  • Why, Texas Tech, Why???

    This is a screenshot for an internal Texas Tech site labeled “Experts Guide”. The site is designed so that experts in fields can say that they are experts in the field and gain recognition and other people in Texas Tech can call upon the resources available at Texas Tech to work on projects. Okay so […]