Category: Politics
Abortion Should Be Rare
Feministing has a post up today regarding abortion and the Democrats new platform (PDF warning) for the 2008 election. The whole of the article essentially focuses on how “safe, legal and rare” has become “safe and legal”. My main area of concern is as follows: The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade […]
Drilling Bill Passes, Drilling Occurs Years From Today
Some Congressional Republicans have skipped heading home during the August break to instead park out at Congress and try to pressure the Democrats to vote and debate on energy bills. Okay, first off a couple of Twitter messages that might provide some background into this issue. John Culberson, a House Republican from Texas, who uses […]
Freedom of Speech Means Freedom to Say Anything
Freedom of speech, means the freedom to say anything irregardless of it being stupid or mean. Now granted you do have to have reasonable limits of freedom of speech in order for society to operate, the standard screaming fire in a crowded building clause. But freedom of speech means just that, you can’t operate in […]
A Time To Pray
I never quite understood the point of there being offered a time for students to pray during school hours. For one, teachers and administrators always seem to be all about pushing as much into the kids as is possible, so to waste anywhere from 5 – 10 minutes every days just seems like a lot […]
What If We Let Iraq’s Decide To Stay The Course Or Not?
I read some two interesting article that got me thinking about a possible solution to Iraq. What if we let the Iraq’s decide if the US should stay the course in Iraq or pull out? I know radical idea letting the people we are directly affecting decide their fate. Two things got my radar buzzing […]
Criticizing America
Recently there has been a political storm brewing over Reverend Wright. This man was Senator Obama’s former pastor and his sermons are to put it bluntly rather controversial. Here is a video of one them receiving the most coverage from the media outlets, at the end of which he says “God damn America”. This has […]
Presidential Election for US in 2008 Predictions
Short and sweet post tonight about the presidential election here in the US. Tonight the Iowa caucuses, the first in a multi-state system whereby each primary party chooses their candidate for President of the US, was completed. As reported by the BBC, Huckabee received the Republican nomination, with Obama taking the Democratic caucus. All right […]
Government Regulations: Do They Help or Hurt?
Cosmic Variance is a blog that discusses mostly physics related news and advances, noted an interesting study this morning. The study (PDF) examined the number of patents granted for sulfur-dioxide control technologies per year, noting at the points when major air control legislation listed. The graph can be quickly summed up by saying that before […]
Hey Let’s Get Smart People
Two articles today stood out in my mind today as I went through the day’s news. The first is from New Scientist, saying that access to family planning and contraception lowers the rate of abortion. The second from a feminist blog,, talked about the Bush administration’s appointee to the family planning office. This appointee […]
FBI and Universities
Ok so I don’t have much to add this other than stupid government. Basically the FBI has decided that to “fight terrorism and student extremists” they are promoting a set of guidlines(PDF) to pinpoint potential foreign spies or terrorists. Not a bad idea, however bad plan, because they basically say that students can be interested […]