Category: Computer Science – what a programmer does for a living
I did something similar to this when teaching an Intro to Computer Science course. – Software Progress Beats Moore’s Law
Humans beat a law made up by humans.
Arash Payan – Presenting, Appirater
Pretty useful piece of software for iOS developers.
CSS–101 – Go fetch yourself!
It’s a little weird sometimes to think that the CSS selectors work from right to left, so if you end with an id, you just spent way more time on grabbing a DOM element, the browser grabbed with the id alone.
Encoded Records – Get your own #dickbar
So want to be labeled a dick like Twitter, go right ahead.
Brent Ozar – RAID 0 SATA with 2 Drives: It’s Web Scale!
Good discussion on scaling you database servers.
Incredibly useful when building a front end to an API.
Alex Payne – Advising Simperium
Sure everybody uses Dropbox but storing/reading text files isn’t the solution, there needs to be a modern solution to synching.
James Padolsey – BUJS #1 – getParameterByName
Awesome insights into improving a little bit of useful JavaScript.