Category: Science
Brent Ozar – RAID 0 SATA with 2 Drives: It’s Web Scale!
Good discussion on scaling you database servers.
Incredibly useful when building a front end to an API.
Alex Payne – Advising Simperium
Sure everybody uses Dropbox but storing/reading text files isn’t the solution, there needs to be a modern solution to synching.
James Padolsey – BUJS #1 – getParameterByName
Awesome insights into improving a little bit of useful JavaScript.
CSS-Tricks – Sans-Serif
Instead of labeling every font, just list the generic font-family and you’re done.
Quora – Life Without Photoshop by Joel Lewenstein
What happens when you throw Photoshop out of your prototyping work-flow.
New Scientist – Two planets found sharing one orbit
Seems like a really interesting planetary system.
Twitter / @rands: If you want to better unde …
Too true.
BBC News – Microsoft says phone update failed 1 in 10 users
That’s pretty poor. – Why PHP is better than Ruby
Overall these are very intelligent and reasonable complaints against Ruby.