Category: Uncategorized
links for 2009-11-09
xkcd – A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language – By Randall Munroe Scientists need to remember to be sympathetic. (tags: science physics xkcd logic humor) Google trying not to cross 'the creepy line' | Relevant Results – CNET News "Google is trying not to be creepy. That's according to CEO Eric Schmidt, who […]
links for 2009-11-08
Colorburned | What to do When Your Project Starts to go Downhill "As much as I’d like to say, “It’s just business”, we all know it’s never just business. All clients have personal and professional risk when working with you. Always be open and honest about what you need and want and give your clients […]
links for 2009-11-07
BBC NEWS | Business | US jobless rate rises to over 10% "The unemployment rate in the US rose to 10.2% in October, which was its highest rate since April 1983, according to figures from the US Labor Department." (tags: usa employment deptoflarbor) BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Studies 'overstate species risks' "Some […]
Bookmarks for November 5, 2009 from 23:24 to 23:25
These are my links for November 5, 2009 from 23:24 to 23:25: LKM’s stuff – "Look, you can apply whatever weird laws you want to yourself. Personally, I have a law that states that I’m only allowed to take an even number of steps each day, and that I must eat a bag of nuts […]
links for 2009-11-06
LKM's stuff "Look, you can apply whatever weird laws you want to yourself. Personally, I have a law that states that I’m only allowed to take an even number of steps each day, and that I must eat a bag of nuts each evening[2]. But I’m not going to come to your house and tell […]
Bookmarks for November 5, 2009 from 22:53 to 22:53
These are my links for November 5, 2009 from 22:53 to 22:53: Schneier on Security: Mossad Hacked Syrian Official’s Computer – "Remember the evil maid attack: if an attacker gets hold of your computer temporarily, he can bypass your encryption software."
links for 2009-11-05
A List Apart: Articles: You Can Get There From Here: Websites for Learners "As an industry, we haven’t done our best to make our content-rich websites suitable for learning and exploration. Learners require more from us than keywords and killer headlines. They need an environment that is narrative, interactive, and discoverable." (tags: webdesign webdevelopment design […]
links for 2009-11-04
A Year Later, Obama Should Start Campaigning Again "It had been 20 years since a president was elected with a majority of the popular vote and no serious debate about his Electoral College majority. While Democrats delighted in reminding Republicans that George Bush's 2000 "victory" was imposed by a Republican-dominated U.S. Supreme Court and that […]
links for 2009-11-03
U.K. 'Drugs Tsar' Gets Sack for Telling the Truth – Hit & Run : Reason Magazine "Last week British Home Secretary Alan Johnson fired University of Bristol neuropsychopharmacologist David Nutt as chairman the British Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs for failing to recognize that "his role is to advise rather than criticise." Translation: […]
links for 2009-11-02
8 Reasons Fox Is Not a News Organization | Media and Technology | AlterNet "When you watch Fox News Channel, what you see is the advancement of that agenda through a media organ that seeks to turn regular people against their own interests — the better to enrich the coffers of Murdoch and his heirs […]