Learning something new every day.
GitHub – Announcing GitHub for Mac
It’s very nice looking and does a fair bit of abstraction towards the intricacy of dealing with Git on a daily basis.
Mika Mobile – Android
It’s nice to see that Android has the potential to support developers, though the download and market problems really need work. Probably the most common complaint I hear about across any phone or any maker.
The Faster Times – AOL Hell: An AOL Content Slave Speaks Out
Highly depressing read, both into the writing practiced at AOL and what this business considers important (just generating stupid trivial trash to generate pageviews).
Ars Technica – Apple quietly drops special subscription requirements for iOS apps
The new rules feel much more balanced for both publishers and Apple.
BBC News – Capital One to buy ING online bank
I’m a huge fan of ING Direct, been using them for years so I hope this doesn’t hurt them in any way.
Ruk – How to replace 30 laptops (and $10,000) with 150 sheets of paper
Sometimes technology is the wrong solution.
Mac Rumors – Apple Reverses Course On In-App Subscriptions
Good news for publishers and services like Amazon’s Kindle and Netflix.
NYTimes.com – Financial Times Introduces Web App in Effort to Bypass Apple
The first big name publisher to switch to a web app for publishing and not deal with Apple’s 30% cut.
Got any book recommendations?