Learning something new every day.
Greenpoint Gazette – An Open Letter from Eugene Mirman to Time Warner Cable
It only gets better.
Official Gmail Blog – Our plans to support modern browsers across Google Apps
Wouldn’t that be amazing if this is start of all web applications/sites being able to only support this same list of browsers.
Smashing Magazine – Ten Oddities And Secrets About JavaScript
JavaScript is easily one of the weirdest languages to have gained such usefulness.
Shawn Blanc – Cloudy With a Chance of Music
Ownership and total control over the experience is almost paramount for how I listen to music.
Timeless – JSON: The JavaScript subset that isn’t
Wikipedia is wrong man.
Signal vs. Noise – It just doesn’t matter
Totally true, the user experience should focus on making what matters better not on adding in features that don’t add anything.
The Official Google Code Blog – Making money with Google In-App Payments for the Web
Apple’s cut is so out of portion to everything else comparable is the real problem.
Clickable Bliss Blog – iAd Policy Change: No more kid-focused apps
I can totally understand Apple wanting to pull iAds from apps targeted towards children, however that has to really hurt app developers as apps targeting kids are probably most often ad-supported business models
Nick Harris – Exceptions are Exceptional
Too true.
NYTimes.com – Google’s Digital Music Service Falls Short of Ambition
This doesn’t bode well for what we all really want, stream our already owned music collection without having to upload it, wonder if Apple will have any better luck with the record labels.
Got any book recommendations?