I am full-time Developer and Project Lead with Loadsys Consulting, a part-time Contributing Author with Lynda.com, and finally a graduate from Texas Tech University with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.
Here is a list of some of the work that I have done. You can also look at my resume for a more through work history and at my Github page for a collection of my open source work.
GitHub Projects
CakePHP Sitemap
Sitemap is a CakePHP 2 & 3 plugin to enable creating a HTML and XML sitemap for a CakePHP application. The plugin supports listing both static pages as well as listing those pages managed by a CMS.
[hubinfo user=”loadsys” repo=”CakePHP-Sitemap” twitter=”justinyost”]
CakePHP Creator and Modifier
CreatorModifier is a small CakePHP 3 plugin to support setting a creator and modifier User id value on every record in a CakePHP application being created or modified.
[hubinfo user=”loadsys” repo=”CakePHP-CreatorModifier” twitter=”justinyost”]
CakePHP Social Links
Social Links is a CakePHP 2 plugin to provide easy addition and validation of Social Network, such as blog url, Twitter, YouTube, etc to a CakePHP model.
[hubinfo user=”loadsys” repo=”CakePHP-SocialLinks” twitter=”justinyost”]
Secret Santa Webapp
Secret Santa is a small and simple web app that I built to scratch an itch and a need, for a simple and basic Secret Santa system for my family. The project uses PHPMailer to send emails, Blueprint as a CSS framework and jQuery for a JavaScript framework. The rest of the code is all hand crafted by myself. You can read more about the project on my blog.
[hubinfo user=”justinyost” repo=”Secret” twitter=”justinyost”]
Responsive Child Theme
Responsive Child Theme is a child theme to Responsive to customize JustinYost.com.
[hubinfo user=”justinyost” repo=”Responsive-Child” twitter=”justinyost”]
S3 Backup
S3 Backup script runs and creates daily (stored for 7 days), weekly (stored for 28 days) and monthly (stored for 365 days) of a local webroot and complete database backup of MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB. Each is tared and gzipped and placed in a directory of your choosing and then synched with an Amazon S3 Bucket for off-site storage.
[hubinfo user=”justinyost” repo=”S3_Backup” twitter=”justinyost”]
CakePHP 2.x Sample Unit Testing
CakePHP Unit Testing is a sample app to demostrate testing various portions of a CakePHP application.
[hubinfo user=”justinyost” repo=”CakePHP-Unit-Testing” twitter=”justinyost”]
Work Projects
CropInsight is the web application end of Smartfield, where I most recently worked. CropInsight is a remote crop monitoring system using patents from the USDA to measure and watch plant stress. The system was built from the ground up using CakePHP, jQuery and PostgreSQL.
Redesign of Smartfield.com
Smartfield is where I recently worked and one of my first tasks was to update their marketing site. The site is built on WordPress and the theme is a custom version of WPA Parade Theme. The work included redoing the site design to match what Smartfield had in mind, along with customizing the site layout to give a more organized structure. Also the rotator used in the theme was dropped in favor of one that was easier to customize.
Webmap+ is a Joomla! Component using the Google Maps API and Joomla! framework to create a easy to use and highly customizable Joomla Component.
Responsibilities: Administration MVC Architecture, Social Media Marketing and Customer Support. Technologies used to build Webmap+: PHP, Joomla! Framework, MooTools, MySQL, CSS, XHTML. Launched July 2009.
TTU Office of International Affairs: Document Imaging Management System
For my Senior Project Design class, our professor came to our group and asked us to build a system for the Office of International Affairs (IAFF). They requested that we build a system to manage scanned copies of Passport’s, VISA’s and other related documents for international students, faculty and staff.
Responsibilities: Design and Architecture Documents, Database Design, Document Printing, Integration with Texas Tech’s single sign-on solution (eRaider), Document Upload and Storage. Technologies used to build system: CakePHP, jQuery, PHP’s GD library, MySQL CSS, XHTML. Launched April 2009.
Rebuild of T-STEM Center Registration System
Registering teachers for workshops, couldn’t be easier, right? You would be wrong. The sheer amount of data required to be gathered for statistical analysis of the program (due to grant reporting requirements) requires a system that is very flexible in the type of data stored depending upon very specific decisions. The system also included a tiered admin side, with only certain staff members being able to view certain subsets of the information stored. The administration side included the ability to mark a teacher as paid or not, update their information and provided a break down of each workshop and which had broken even and which had not. A coupon system was included, that allowed for both straight dollar off or percentage based reductions in price. Screenshots here of the system.
Responsibilities: Web layout, database redesign and implementation, integration and creation of coupon system, integrated collection of reporting requirements into web form, redesign of administration and reporting internal side, front end and back end coding (PHP, MySQL, AJAX, CSS, XHTML). Original launch September 2006, relaunch October 2008.
Seamless Automotive Technology Program Page
One of the many partners of the T-STEM Center requested that we help out with their web strategy, this was the first work done to start this process.
Responsibilities: Web layout, integration with CMS Engine, social media integration. Launched September 2008.
Internal IT Equipment Checkout Application and System
This one is an internal application for the T-STEM Center to rent IT Equipment. The system handled ensuring that equipment was available to rent and enough time existed to turn around the equipment. This also laid a large portion of the groundwork for a public facing system that was not completed during my time at the T-STEM Center.
Responsibilities: Creation/Implementation of database design, front and back-end coding (PHP, MySQL, AJAX, CSS, XHTML), JavaScript calendar integration, administration internal side. Launched July 2008.
Hardware, Web Server and Database Switch from IIS/MS SQL to Apache/MySQL
A new server was purchased and as part of the reduction of relying on multiple software stacks, an IIS and MS SQL site is moved to being hosted on Apache and MySQL.
Responsibilities: Setup of server, installation and optimization of Apache and porting database schemes and code from MS SQL to MySQL. Occurred August 2008.