Tag: election
Freedom to Tinker – NJ election cover-up
Just plain scary a whole election result considered null and void, no idea what happened, who to blame or how to fix the problem.
NBC News – Just 32% of Tea Party candidates win
Just a reminder don’t get to carried away with delusions of grandeur.
FiveThirtyEight – The Most Overrated Concept in Elections Analysis: Momentum
FiveThirtyEight takes on the concept that because polls move in one direction in the past, they continue to move in that same direction.
Travel Day
Today I’m in DFW (Dallas/Fort Worth) for work, and I have a bunch of thoughts running through my head about different things, so this is a post without any real clear topic, but more of a ramble of what’s going on in my head tonight. I need to do a post about the election and […]
You Should Educate Yourself and Vote, or maybe not
I was thinking about this little thing we have coming up in the US, that well is dominating everything. The Presidential election and at first I was going to urge that you should educate yourself and then go and vote on Nov. 4, and also point you to a place to go in case you […]
This Republican Party Bothers Me
(I am a registered independent and my views align with the Libertarian, Republican, and Democratic Parties, yes, all at once. I consider myself a social libertarian, something I conjured up on my own to explain my views, which are too complex to explain here.) The Republican Party of the United States over the past several […]
What If We Let Iraq’s Decide To Stay The Course Or Not?
I read some two interesting article that got me thinking about a possible solution to Iraq. What if we let the Iraq’s decide if the US should stay the course in Iraq or pull out? I know radical idea letting the people we are directly affecting decide their fate. Two things got my radar buzzing […]