Tag: Politics
The New Yorker – Filibusters and arcane obstructions in the Senate
The New Yorker with a long and detailed essay on how the Senate became a broken organization.
The New Yorker – The real numbers on illegal immigration
The New Yorker does some fact checking of politicians harping on illegal immigration.
FiveThirtyEight – Politics Done Right: Cap-and-Trade is Dead; Long Live Cap-and-Trade
Nate Silver once again wins points for not just being a great statistician but an astute political observer.
BBC News – US border violence: Myth or reality?
BBC News gets into the act on discussing the myth behind the Texas/Mexico border being super violent.
Electronic Frontier Foundation – EFF Wins New Legal Protections for Video Artists, Cell Phone Jailbreakers, and Unlockers
New exceptions to the DMCA, the most important of these has to be the ability to break DVD encryption for fair use.
Rolling Stone Politics – BP’s Next Disaster
BP next plans to start a drilling project in Alaska that is outside of normal engineering possibilities, anybody hear alarm bells?
NYTimes.com – On Border Violence, Truth Pales Compared to Ideas
Violent crime rates have fallen while advocates for more stringent action on illegal immigration claim crime is on the increase.
The Oil Drum – Natural Oil Seeps and the Deepwater Horizon Disaster: A Comparison of Magnitudes
Run the numbers between the Deepwater Horizon disaster and the normal seepage of oil into the Gulf of Mexico.
The El Paso Miracle – Reason Magazine
Large immigrant populations is a decent predictor for how safe a city is.