Tag: Politics
After Americans Visit, Uganda Weighs Death for Gays – NYTimes.com
Post three Christian Americans coming and speaking at a conference on homosexuality, Uganda politicians starting weighing a bill to kill homosexuals.
Blasphemy In Ireland
It is now crime to be blasphemous in Ireland, a ridiculous and silly law that should never exist anywhere.
Democrats May Drop Medicare Expansion
Well ok then to quote Marco who sums it up better that I ever could. Democrats (in power): We want to pass this bill that makes a lot of sense. It would help a lot of people and it’s supported by the majority of the population. Republicans: No. You need to compromise. Democrats: OK. Well, […]
Calling Something Factual, Doesn’t Make It Magically Factual
Specifically, this is another time in which I call out Republicans for their lack of attention to basic logic and understanding of facts. I received an email tonight from the RNC regarding Obama, Congress and the organization ACORN. In this email the GOP makes the claim that “It seems the Obama Administration has plans to […]
My response to Glen Beck’s silly “We surround them”
Glen Beck not too long ago did a silly little thing in which he posted a list of 9 statements and said that if you believe in them to send in a picture for him to do display them or something. This is my response to the list. America is good. Right a country is […]
Science and Politics, Like Oil and Water
One of my personal biggest pet peeves with regards to the current political system in America, and for that matter a large and vast number of society is how few people actually use evidence to back up their position. Rather than presenting facts we are presented with ad homein attacks, personal stories and told what […]
Your Rules Aren’t My Rules
Here is the problem that I see with a lot of the evangelical right. They seem to think that their rules are all of sudden my rules. Here’s a hint, they aren’t. A great example is this ad for a rentor. The ad includes such wonderful rules as the main lights in the apartment are […]
Does a Law Matter If No One Follows It?
I read an interesting article about the Republic Windows & Doors factory shut down in the New York Times. The interesting part of the article was when the author talked about how the federal law designed to force companies to notify employers 60 days in advance of any mass layoffs essentially was practically never followed […]
You Should Educate Yourself and Vote, or maybe not
I was thinking about this little thing we have coming up in the US, that well is dominating everything. The Presidential election and at first I was going to urge that you should educate yourself and then go and vote on Nov. 4, and also point you to a place to go in case you […]
This Republican Party Bothers Me
(I am a registered independent and my views align with the Libertarian, Republican, and Democratic Parties, yes, all at once. I consider myself a social libertarian, something I conjured up on my own to explain my views, which are too complex to explain here.) The Republican Party of the United States over the past several […]