Tag: Politics

  • Abortion Should Be Rare

    Feministing has a post up today regarding abortion and the Democrats new platform (PDF warning) for the 2008 election. The whole of the article essentially focuses on how “safe, legal and rare” has become “safe and legal”. My main area of concern is as follows: The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade […]

  • Is It Wrong To Be Enthusiastic Over A Politician

    A recent McCain political ad, emded here from John McCain’s YouTube channel. The ad compares Obama to Paris Hilton (I learned writing this post, that Paris Hilton has a website.) and Britney Spears and asks that just because someone has a lot of enthusiastic followers doesn’t make him ready to lead. This ad just doesn’t make sense to me. […]

  • Drilling Bill Passes, Drilling Occurs Years From Today

    Some Congressional Republicans have skipped heading home during the August break to instead park out at Congress and try to pressure the Democrats to vote and debate on energy bills. Okay, first off a couple of Twitter messages that might provide some background into this issue. John Culberson, a House Republican from Texas, who uses […]

  • What If We Let Iraq’s Decide To Stay The Course Or Not?

    I read some two interesting article that got me thinking about a possible solution to Iraq. What if we let the Iraq’s decide if the US should stay the course in Iraq or pull out? I know radical idea letting the people we are directly affecting decide their fate. Two things got my radar buzzing […]

  • Criticizing America

    Recently there has been a political storm brewing over Reverend Wright. This man was Senator Obama’s former pastor and his sermons are to put it bluntly rather controversial. Here is a video of one them receiving the most coverage from the media outlets, at the end of which he says “God damn America”. This has […]

  • TED Is Far From Useless

    Short intro: It’s good to be back and blogging, sorry about the delay, but hey it took a long time to get stuff working again. So no more excuses onto the business of the day. Umair Haque, today wrote a blog post about TED. TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) for those of you who haven’t heard […]