Tag: Programming
Snook.ca – Font sizing with rem
Seriously nice.
Google Web Fonts – Streamline your web font requests. Introducing “text=”
Pretty intelligent Google.
Marco.org – The iOS weather-app market
But some software the level of customization that each user wants makes it really undesirable to enter that market.
Paul Graham – Maker’s Schedule, Manager’s Schedule
I understand this feeling, I just never knew how to describe it.
GitHub – joeytrapp/UUID-Cache-Behavior
One of my co-workers built a CakePHP plugin to add a caching behavior to your models.
Call Me Fishmeal. – Success, and Farming vs. Mining
Really good read.
Mozilla Add-ons Blog – Improving Add-on Performance
Nice, that’s a great thing for users, start publishing information regarding the performance of add-ons and start trying to convince programmers to be more intelligent in building add-ons.
Mobile Boilerplate
Awesome resource.
The League of Paul – I’m Regretting Going WP7
Windows Phone 7 right now looks like a big ball of hurt for app developers.
Code Fast Die Young – Design annoyances
Too true.