Tag: socialnetworking

  • Measuring Tweets – Twitter Blog

    50 million tweets per day, that’s incredible.

  • What About the Open Web?

    Facebook: FarmVille is bigger than Twitter, beyond insane when I think about it. To prove the popularity of these extra-curricular sections of Facebook, Johnson explained: “Applications make up a huge part of Facebook. There are over 90,000 applications on Facebook. “69 million active users are using FarmVille alone, that’s more users than Twitter.” Interestingly, Facebook […]

  • Facebook and Twitter: Different and Both Useful

    Which do you care about more simply getting a stream of conciusicous thoughts from people or a stream of tons of different aspects on that person and lots of information to put it into context. That’s the dilemma facing people signing up for social networks. Each specializes in an area that makes it useful to […]