- "Adobe announced at the GSMA Mobile World Congress here Monday that Flash Player 10, which is the full version of Flash that runs on PCs, will be available on smartphones running Windows Mobile, Google's Android, Nokia S60/Symbian, and the new Palm operating systems. Devices with Flash Player 10 are expected to hit the market starting in early 2010." Awesome, the Palm Pre sounds more and more interesting.
- Ok this was pretty funny.
- Ummm, nope. This one works really well and balances a host of things. Any such thing created any other way which it would have to, would never have the scalability or the privacy and a host of other features that are very good about the Internet.
- Control how your vertical scroll bars look with this jquery plugin.
- Awesome news: "One of the first attempts to use gene therapy to treat HIV has produced promising results in clinical trials."
- Very interesting: "As of December 2008, 11% of online American adults said they used a service like Twitter or another service that allowed them to share updates about themselves or to see the updates of others. Twitter and similar services have been most avidly embraced by young adults. Nearly one in five (19%) online adults ages 18 and 24 have ever used Twitter and its ilk, as have 20% of online adults 25 to 34. Use of these services drops off steadily after age 35 with 10% of 35 to 44 year olds and 5% of 45 to 54 year olds using Twitter. The decline is even more stark among older internet users; 4% of 55-64 year olds and 2% of those 65 and older use Twitter."
- Yeah this is one problem I have with companies only caring about their profit margins, it forces other companies to create virtual slavery positions to achieve such great margins.
- At what point are patents just bad for innovation?
- I especially enjoy that for moral authority he is ranked 35th out of 42.
- That's horrible news, it was such an awesome idea.
- Awesome.
- "An F.B.I. agent who worked on the investigation of Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska, who was convicted on ethics charges, has said in a stunning formal complaint that a fellow agent and prosecutors contrived to improperly conceal evidence from the court and the defense." Seriously?
- Good to hear from the Pope.
- This is going to be an awesome trial. The Pirate Bay always knows just what buttons to push.
- Nice to know Google actually punishes itself.
- "The new chief executive of pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline had said the company will cut prices for its drugs in the developing world." Awesome news for the medical care for 50 of the world's poorest countries.
- Good job, stupid music industry.
- "We head off down Panchsheel Marg, one of New Delhi’s main streets. The ladies want to show me something. The U.S. Embassy and the Chinese Embassy are both located on Panchsheel, directly across from each other. They asked me to check out the rooftops of each embassy. What do I notice? Let’s see … The U.S. Embassy’s roof is loaded with antennae and listening gear. The Chinese Embassy’s roof is loaded with … new Chinese-made solar hot-water heaters." That's interesting.
- Good to hear they had the fair and balanced thing going on.
- I find it funny that more Catholics accept evolution than the general public as a percentage.
- "Traffic pollution causes genetic changes in the womb which increase a child's risk of developing asthma, research suggests."
- It's looking more and more like the plane lost it's ability to fly due to ice.
- You will now be able to download YouTube videos officially, paid and free, and licensed including Creative Commons licenses.
- Pretty sweet necklace.
- I've been hearing about these for years, and not much happens. People don't have the money or at least aren't willing to pay $10,000 just to save some money in the long term or help the environment.
- "Venezuelans are voting on a proposal that would remove limits on how often politicians, including President Hugo Chavez, can run for office." I find that a scary idea no matter how good a politician has been to a country.
- "The United States army is to accept immigrants with temporary US visas, for the first time since the Vietnam war, according to the New York Times." Good idea to increase recruitment numbers and possibly bring in people local to an area.
- "WYMeditor is a web-based WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean) XHTML editor." Neat idea that doesn't allow your end users to break your standards based design through comments or input fields.
- The simpler you make stuff, the easier it is for users to start using your product.
- "At least 235 marine species are living in both polar regions, despite being 12,000km apart, a census has found." That's pretty cool.
- "A Community of Nontheists! "
- Because that makes everything better.
- How the heck did his bike get stolen and what would you do with it?
- It would feel odd discussing a host of topics with a crucifix in the room. That being said Boston College is a private institution and can do whatever they want.
- Good answer to this problem. Essentially ask for some more time.
- I 100% agree with this especially after now working with corporate websites.
- 175 million people on Facebook, that's some crazy numbers.
- Corsets, yes please.
- I'm still not sure about this.
- Duh, and no it's not illegal or wrong. Skype should keep it's security closed off. Governments do not have the right to just randomly tap people just for whatever. Plus if Skype was to open up and publish it's encryption scheme, they would just move to something else.
- Why the heck would you send death threats to a mother, even in this case. There are some sick people out there.
- Agreeded, why pay for music when you can get it for free and it's easier and you can customize the music.
- Your all in one guide to canonical url tag.
- From the abstract: "Our focus was on the Web browsers Firefox and Opera. We found that the patch level achieved is mainly determined by the ergonomics and default settings of built-in auto-update mechanisms. Firefox' auto-update is very effective: most users installed a new version within three days. However, the maximum share of the latest, most secure version never exceeded 80% for Firefox users and 46% for Opera users at any day in 2007. This makes about 50 million Firefox users with outdated browsers an easy target for attacks. Our study is the result of the first global scale measurement of the patch dynamics of a popular browser. "
- Money quote: "So here's a final word from Precinct Commander Evans – if ever the British were mad enough to legalise guns US-style, they'd die to regret it." What is it like to be in charge of the NYC police force for a few hours?
- Heat HTML tags, most useful one is <abbr> which lets you display a tooltip describing an abbreviation.
- Restaurant in Lubbock, TX.
links for 2009-02-16
4 responses to “links for 2009-02-16”
[…] Dion Almaer wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptFirefox‘ auto-update is very effective: most users installed a new version within three days. However, the maximum share of the latest, most secure version never exceeded 80% for Firefox users and 46% for Opera users at any day in 2007. … […]
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